Closing the Innovation Gap: How Patent Pathways is Driving Diversity in Patent Law

On Friday, September 20, 2024, Patent Pathways’ Board Member Elaine Spector participated in a pivotal discussion at the Innovator Diversity Pilots Conference, held at Emory University’s School of Law. The conference, hosted in the esteemed Tull Auditorium, brought together a range of voices dedicated to fostering inclusion in the intellectual property and innovation ecosystem. Elaine was joined by Braxton Davis, Senior Patent Counsel at Meta, in a conversation that highlighted the challenges facing underrepresented groups in patent law and the importance of programs designed to address these disparities.


Breaking Barriers in Patent Law

Patent law remains a field where many individuals from historically marginalized groups—especially women, people of color, and those from lower-income backgrounds—face substantial barriers to entry. The path to becoming a patent practitioner can be daunting, not due to a lack of talent or ambition, but due to structural barriers such as financial constraints, a lack of mentorship, and limited awareness of the career pathways available in this field. As a result, the innovation ecosystem misses out on a wealth of ideas and perspectives, perpetuating an “innovation gap” that limits the diverse contributions crucial for groundbreaking advancements.

This gap is particularly concerning given that innovation thrives on diverse perspectives. Without the inclusion of voices from underrepresented groups, the field of intellectual property loses out on fresh ideas and solutions that could drive meaningful progress in technology and beyond.

How Patent Pathways is Driving Change

To address these challenges, programs like Patent Pathways play a vital role. By offering free, virtual education, practical training, one-on-one mentorship, and financial support, Patent Pathways is dedicated to breaking down the barriers that often prevent underrepresented individuals with STEM degrees from pursuing careers in patent law. These resources provide aspiring patent professionals the tools they need to take and pass the patent bar exam, positioning them for success in a highly specialized field.

This kind of support is more than just educational—it’s transformational. By building a network of mentors, offering hands-on experience, and providing financial assistance, Patent Pathways is not just creating opportunities for individuals, but also fostering a more inclusive and innovative patent law landscape.

How You Can Help

The conversation at the Innovator Diversity Pilots Conference underscores the need for active participation in fostering diversity in patent law. Patent Pathways is committed to being part of the solution, but our impact can be greater with the support of volunteers, partners, sponsors, and participants.

Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Volunteer: Offer your expertise as a mentor to aspiring patent agents and attorneys. Your guidance can be instrumental in helping them navigate the patent bar exam and their subsequent careers in the field.
  • Partner: If you represent a corporation, law firm, or educational institution, consider partnering with Patent Pathways to provide additional resources such as internships, pro bono support, or financial contributions to help our participants succeed.
  • Sponsor: Your sponsorship can make a real difference in the lives of aspiring patent practitioners by covering essential costs such as exam fees, study materials, and other program-related expenses.
  • Participate: If you’re a STEM graduate from an underrepresented community interested in patent law, we encourage you to join our next cohort. You’ll have access to educational resources, mentorship, and financial assistance designed to help you take the next step in your career.

Building a More Inclusive Future in Patent Law

Innovator Diversity Pilots Conference made one thing clear: diversity in patent law is not just about fairness; it’s about the future of innovation. By creating pathways for underrepresented individuals to enter the field, we open the door to new ideas, unique perspectives, and innovations that benefit us all.

At Patent Pathways, we believe that while talent is equally distributed, opportunity is not. But with the right resources, guidance, and support, we can change that.

Take action today! Whether you’re an individual looking to mentor or a company wanting to create lasting change, Patent Pathways offers meaningful ways to get involved. Visit Patent Pathways to learn more about how you can support our mission to make patent law more inclusive and accessible.

Together, we can close the innovation gap and build a more diverse and dynamic future for patent law. Let’s create change—one pathway at a time.



Fostering an Inclusive Workplace: Interviewing and Hiring Best Practices

“Now, today, I know that many of our law firms are companies. They’re slashing DEI budgets. We’re getting attacked on the legal fronts from a Supreme Court decision that actually doesn’t even relate to the corporate programs we’re involved in. But people are trying to make hay out of it. So we’re facing a lot of resistance to these programs and what we’re trying to do. But that doesn’t mean that we have to stop investing our own time and energy into these really important and meaningful programs. On the contrary, I would say, it’s more important than ever that we continue to go continue to keep going. Someday, I think I’m fairly certain we’re all going to look back at how programs like Patent Pathways™ and ADAPT changed our profession forever. And my hope is that all of us can identify and recognize what’s important, because I’m here to tell you that the bus is here, and there is a ticket with your name on it.” – Jeremiah Chan, Meta

The pressing issue of diversity and inclusion in the patent field is not just a topic of conversation; it demands action. A compelling statistic that drives this point home is that there are more practitioners named Michael registered in the sector than there are racially diverse women. The stark reality of this situation underscores the need for concrete steps to foster inclusivity, particularly in interviewing and hiring practices.

Recently, the Patent Pathways™ Employment & Inclusion Committee hosted a webinar on Fostering an Inclusive Workplace: Interviewing and Hiring Best Practices. We were fortunate to be joined by Jeremiah Chan (Meta), Anupma Sahay (Reed Smith), Rachael Rodman (Ulmer & Berne, LLP), Reggie McGahee (Reed Smith), Ritu Singh (Dinsmore & Shohl), and Elaine Spector (Harrity & Harrity). These incredible speakers provided valuable insight on their own experiences as minorities in the patent field, biases they have both faced and unconsciously held, and tips on how employers can work to be more inclusive.

A common theme throughout the advice offered in this session is that incorporating multiple perspectives in the hiring process is not merely a good-to-have feature but an absolute necessity. When an interview panel is diverse, encompassing various genders, ethnicities, experiences, and specialties, the evaluation of candidates becomes more balanced and nuanced. Homogeneous panels can inadvertently perpetuate systemic biases, thereby narrowing the talent pool and limiting the breadth of perspectives within the organization. It’s not just about having diversity on paper; meaningful inclusion enriches the entire decision-making process and opens the door for underrepresented voices.

Training for unconscious bias is an essential part of preparing interview panel members. While overt biases are often easier to identify, it’s the unconscious biases that tend to slip through the cracks. For instance, “similarity bias” can occur when interviewers subconsciously favor candidates who share their alma mater, hobbies, or even musical tastes. Another example is “confirmation bias,” where interviewers, consciously or unconsciously, seek out information that affirms their pre-existing beliefs about a candidate. Regular bias training not only brings these subtle inclinations to light but also provides actionable strategies for mitigating their impact on the hiring process.

Structured interviews offer another layer of fairness. In such a setup, each candidate is asked the same questions in the same sequence, and their answers are evaluated against a predefined set of criteria. This approach eliminates much of the subjectivity inherent in free-form interviews, creating a level playing field for all candidates. It directly counters biases by offering a more standardized and objective evaluation process.

Transparency in the decision-making process is also crucial. Providing candidates with a clear outline of the evaluation criteria not only makes the process more understandable but also adds a layer of accountability. When organizations are transparent about how they make hiring decisions, it creates a culture of openness that benefits both the employer and potential employees.

But the effort to improve inclusivity shouldn’t stop there. Additional strategies can offer further enhancements:

1. Blind Resume Screening: Anonymizing resumes during the initial screening process can help mitigate biases related to gender, ethnicity, and age.

2. Skill-Based Assessments: These focus on the candidate’s ability to perform job-specific tasks, thereby offering a more objective measure than a resume or interview alone can provide.

3. Involvement of Current Staff: Enabling different staff members, not just senior leadership or HR, to be part of the hiring process can offer diverse perspectives and minimize individual biases.

4. Post-Interview Debriefs: Structured debriefing sessions that require panel members to articulate the reasoning behind their evaluations can substantially reduce the scope for subjective or biased judgments.

Ultimately, the push for diversity and inclusion serves a dual purpose. Ethically, it’s the right thing to do. Strategically, it positions organizations for greater innovation and adaptability. Diverse teams are better equipped to tackle complex problems, innovate, and drive organizational success. In the patent field, where innovation is the currency, the need for diverse and inclusive hiring practices is not just a moral imperative; it’s a business necessity.

Watch the full webinar here:


Want to get involved? Check out these useful links below!


Want more? Watch Elaine Spector’s Driving Diversity series HERE. Elaine shares tips and sparks conversations to drive diversity in the legal field in this weekly short-video series.